• Dai Pottery Carved Dark Gaiwan - 140 ml

    This 140 ml gaiwan is an entirely handmade and unique piece of teaware made by a Dai minority artist using traditional Dai techniques.  The clay comes from Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, the area where much exceptional puerh tea is grown and produced.  This gaiwan is unglazed and porous, and will develop a beautiful patina with repeated use.  It comes with its own attractive box to keep it safe when not in use and when in transit.  

    Dai pottery has a very long history in China, at least 4000 years.  In 2006, Dai pottery, which is traditionally made by women, entered China's official list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. 

    Diameter: 90mm
    Height (without the lid): 60mm
    Height (with the lid): 80mm